"...got bundled with Apple One because it focused on quantity over quality while misunderstanding what drives real engagement in games."

I wonder if there are any examples where the inverse has been true: Jon Blow focusing too much on quality over quantity with the Witness' release schedule, etc. Nintendo usually focuses on quality, but has it ever done so too much? That might be why N64 trailed behind PS1 in part.

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I guess that game 'Strayed Lights' tried to pretend that it is something big, and didn't have enough resources to make it true and on the other hand 'Another Crab's Treasure' is just an interesting game with catchy hooks, simple graphics and a huge variety of content. So it's not a surprise there is a difference between sales of the two games. Also, 25$ is too much for a game with that game value. By the way 'Kena' was successful not just 'because', the game indeed is a good medium length action adventure.

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Yeesh, that's very instructive, I remember talking with their CEO last year after their release, I thought Strayed Lights worked better than that

Now I gotta think up a better way to market my upcoming souls inspired boss rush...

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