The way I read Valve's reference above (and others made in the past) is that the metric that affects the visibility is STRICTLY sales. Not external traffic and not Wishlists. If the bump in sales is "big enough" (a vague term in and of itself), then Steam will bump the game's visibility. They've been very clear about it so I'm not sure where is the data coming from about traffic numbers and Wishlists being a factor.

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Fair point. I don't think it is strictly sales, but I don't think it is strictly traffic/wishlists either. Most of the time these map fairly well to each other. It might be a combo, but in general it's 'interest' however that is defined. (I will point out, since these mechanisms also happen pre-release on Steam, it can't be ONLY sales. Otherwise how would unreleased games get Discovery Queue boosts?)

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Woops! missed your reply, sorry :) You may have a good point about Discovery Queue (and general visibility) boosts for unreleased games. If these things happen - so based on what, exactly? I don't think Valve ever answered that Q.

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